09 febrero 2010


FAI has ratified the following Class O (Hang Gliders) World record :
Sub-class :O-3 (Paragliders)
Category: Feminine
Pilot : Kamira PEREIRA RODRIGUES (Brazil)
Paraglider : Tracer / Sol Paragliders
Claim number : 15656
Type of record : Straight distance
Course/location : Quixada, CE (Brazil) - Novo S Antonio (Brazil)
Performance : 320.6 km
Date :08.11.2009
Previous record : 302.9 km (18.11.2005 - Petra KRAUSOVA, Czech Rep.)
Claim number : 15657
Type of record : Straight distance to a declared goal
Course/location : Quixada, CE (Brazil) - Castelo Do Piaui, PI (Brazil)
Performance : 285.3 km
Date :14.11.2009
Previous record : 247.7 km (18.11.2005 - Petra KRAUSOVA, Czech Rep.)
Claim number : 15658
Type of record : Straight distance
Course/location : Quixada, CE (Brazil) - Novo S Antonio (Brazil)
Performance : 324.7 km
Date :14.11.2009
Previous record : 320.6 km (08.11.2009 - Kamira PEREIRA RODRIGUES, Brazil)
Claim number : 15659
Type of record : Distance using up to 3 turn points
Course/location : Quixada (Brazil)
Performance : 131.5 km
Date :10.11.2009
Previous record : 103.8 km (30.08.2008 - Anja KROLL, Switzerland)
as well as
Claim number : 15700
Sub-class :O-5 (HG with a rigid primary structure / movable control
surface(s) without pilot surrounding structures and fairings.)
Category: General
Type of record : Out-and-return distance
Course/location : Burgsdorf (Namibia) - Bethanie (Namibia)
Performance : 354.4 km
Pilot : Carlos PUÑET PELLISÉ (Spain)
Aircraft : Atos VQ / AIR
Date :11.01.2010
Previous record : 348.4 km (10.01.2008 - Patrick CHOPARD (France),
Pascal LANSER (France) and Carlos PUÑET PELLISÉ (Spain))

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